

Minutes of the Meeting of Wildmore Parish Council held on Monday 26th September 2022 in New York Lecture Hall.

Present:               Chairman                             Cllr A Everard

                                                                                Cllr M Jones                       Cllr P Bargh

                                                                                Cllr A Harrison                   Cllr R Kirk

                                                                                Cllr M A Jones


                                District Councillor             Cllr M Foster


                                Clerk:                                    Mrs A Appleyard


There were no members of the public in attendance


1414.                     Welcome by Chairman


Cllr Everard welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending. 


1415.                     To receive and approve apologies for absence


Apologies had been received from District Councillor, Cllr S Avison, and County Councillor Cllr T Ashton.  Cllr Lawes was not present at the meeting but sent her apologies through to the clerk afterwards advising that she had been delayed at work. 


1416.     To receive declaration of interest under the Council’s Code of Conduct related to business on the agenda and to consider any dispensations


There were no declarations of interest brought before the meeting.


1417.                     To receive and approve the minutes of the last meeting held on Monday 11th July 2022 for signature


The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11th July 2002 had been circulated before the

meeting.  It was proposed by Cllr Harrison and seconded by Cllr Bargh that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record.  All in favour.  Cllr Everard signed the minutes.


1418.                     To note any matters arising from the minutes not included on this agenda for report only


Shared Prosperity Fund – Cllr Everard asked Cllr Foster for an update on the SPF bid put forward to help with the Broadband within the Parish.  ELDC are receiving £2.4 Million with plans already in place for Skegness to receive some of the money.  Cllr Foster will go back to District Council for an update on the current situation and report back to the meeting.


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Internal Auditors Report – An email had been received from Mrs V Clark, the Internal Auditor, asking if the Council would like a mid-year audit.  The cost for this would be £60 for the mid-year with another £40 for the end of year.  If just an end of year audit was carried out the cost would be £120.

It was felt that it was good practice to have a mid-year audit and Mrs Clark was approved to carry out the work.  The clerk will contact Mrs Clark to arrange.


1419.                     To receive an update on the Community Speedwatch application and approve arrangements and budget for recruitments and equipment for volunteers undertaking local speed checks.


Cllr Everard advised the meeting that he had submitted the initial application to Lincs County Council for the Community Speed Watch licence agreement at a cost of £50.  The joining fee includes 6 passive signs.  There may be a problem in so much as there are no metal lamp posts within the area to put the signs upon.  It may be that BT have to be contacted to get permission to use their telegraph posts.  Someone will come out and assess the area for suitability.  Training courses are available on how to use the equipment, and this is done via Zoom.  Costs to set up the scheme would be £255 for the radar gun plus £10 delivery.  High Vis vests would also be needed for the volunteers along with a clicker to count the number of vehicles and maybe more signs.  Cllr Everard thought that a budget of £450 would be needed for the initial set up.  Cllr M A Jones asked if there was enough data to argue that there is a speeding problem.  Although the Archers Survey had shown the average seed of vehicles was 35.6mph it did indicate that there were several vehicles which were doing well over the speed limit.   Cllr’s Everard, M A Jones, Harrison, Kirk, and M Jones all showed an interest in doing the training session.  Once the training session has been completed a public meeting will be held to look for volunteers.


It was proposed by Cllr Harrison and seconded by Cllr Bargh that a budget of £450 be authorised but that training is carried out before any equipment is purchased.


The question was raised as to how much the blue tooth boards cost.  These are in the region of £2038 with fixings being another £57. There would then be an additional cost for installation.


It was felt that it would be beneficial if the speed limit from the school to the end of the village was 40mph instead of changing numerous times and limits.  The Chair reminded Councillors that they had formally requested LCC to reduce the speed limit to 50mph between the 30mph speed limit at the school and the 50mph speed limit at New York which is probably why the Archer Survey by LCC had been carried out.


The clerk advised that she had also had a complaint from a Parishioner at Sandy Bank about the speed of traffic along the stretch of road from Bunkers Hill to Tumby Woodside Junction.  The same Parishioner had complained about the condition of the road also.  Cllr Ashton has asked for a speed limit review on this stretch of road and has also reported, on numerous occasions the state of the road. 


1420.                     Financial Update and Authorisation of Payments


General Account


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Opening Balance                                                                                                                              £10,377.74


Cheques presented for Payment


Andy Jackson                                                     Grass Cutting                                                     £375.00

Lincolnshire County Council                         Community Speed Watch Licence             £50.00

New York Primary School                              Jubilee Mugs                                                      £200.00

H M Revenue & Customs                              PAYE                                                                      £180.80

A Appleyard                                                       Salary                                                                    £723.04


Closing Balance                                                                                                                                £8848.90


Allotment Account


Opening Balance                                                                                                                              £1553.72


Paid in since last meeting


Allotment Tenants                                           Allotment Rent                                                 £950.00


Closing Balance                                                                                                                                £2503.72


It was proposed by Cllr Kirk and seconded by Cllr Harrison that the above accounts be authorised.  All in favour.  Cheques were signed at the end of this meeting.


1421.                     To receive and approve the Half Year Budget


The clerk presented the current accounts for the year so far.  She will re-issue these before the next meeting with an added column showing the actual amount budgeted for the year on each section.  It was agreed to approve the half year budget.  This was proposed by Cllr Bargh and seconded by Cllr Harrison.  All in favour.


1422.                     Correspondence


Correspondence had been circulated prior to the meeting.  This included the LALC E -Newsletters,

LALC News and regular updates from LALC and NALC. 


An email had been received from our MP, Victoria Atkins inviting Councillors to a Winter Support Summit for Louth and Horncastle.  This is to discuss the local needs of the area and how the vulnerable can be supported.  Cllr Everard agreed to attend the meeting.


ELDC Messenger – There was a section on reminding people to keep their hedges cut back from the Highway and public footpaths.


The Neighbourhood Policing Team Newsletter had been received and circulated.


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An email had also been received about community venues providing warm spaces for people in need to go to get warm during the winter months. 


Other correspondence included Anglian Water Lincolnshire Reservoir; proposed location, TSG Publicity Team; B5 Saturday Service Revision, South & east Lincolnshire Councils Partnership; Launch of Lincolnshire Community Lottery.


1423.                     Planning – To comment and receive updates on outstanding planning applications


S/207/00538/22 – Houghbridge House, Langrick Road, New York, Lincoln, LN4 4YP – Erection of an agricultural storage building for machinery – Decision still awaited


S/207/01224/22 – The Chestnuts, Langrick Road, New York, Lincoln, LN4 4XH – Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation – Full Planning Permission granted.


EC/207/00495/21 – Chapelry Farm, Langrick Road, New York, LN4 4XH – Siting and storage of a vehicle on land – This matter continues to be fully investigated by the Enforcement Team from ELDC to establish if a breach of planning legislation has taken place.  There are several animals back in the neighbouring field.  There continues to be rats around the property.


1424.                     To approve Civility & Respect Pledge, Dignity at Work Policy, Equality & Diversity Policy and the LGA Code of Conduct


Seven District Councils have adopted the LGA Code of Conduct.  Our current one is out of date and therefore requires updating.


Copies of the proposed LGA Code of Conduct and the Civility & Respect Pledge, Dignity at Work Policy and Equality & Diversity Policy had all been circulated prior to the meeting.  It was proposed by Cllr Jones and seconded by Cllr Harrison that these all be adopted by the Parish Council.  All in favour.


1425.                     To discuss any other parish matters that require any urgent or immediate consideration, such as, Police/Crime, Development, Education, Health, Highways, District and County Council, Training Items.


Education – Cllr Bargh that the new school sign has been erected and a new banner has been put up.  Another banner near to the car park will be going up end of October/beginning of November.

Highways – The light is still out at the school.  The clerk will report this again.  There is a massive deterioration in the condition of the road from the hall to the school.  Visibility is bad coming out of the junction with Sandy Bank Road.  The Leylandii trees at the corner are obstructing traffic’s view.  The clerk will write to the residents to ask for the trees to be cut back.  There is also a car parked outside the old shop which causes visibility problems.

ELDC – The purple bins are in the process of being delivered within ELDC.  Those delivering didn’t

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realise the area was so big, so it is taking much longer to get them to all households.  The grey bins will be accepted with paper/cardboard etc until the purple bins begin.

Cllr Foster advised Councillors that the recycling products in the bins is all dealt with within the local area.  The paper/cardboard goes to Palm Paper at Kings Lynn and the dry plastics go to a place at Hemswell.

There were major IT problems at County/District last week when the BT server crashed.  This affected not only the Council but schools etc.  Computers, phone lines etc were all down for about a week but the problem has now been fixed and everything is back up and running.

Cllr Harrison asked if the Parish Council would like the Lincolnshire Flag to be put on the flagpole to celebrate Lincolnshire Day.  This will be put up and left on for a week.

1426.                     Future Meetings and Items for Consideration.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 14th November 2022 at 7.30pm in New York Lecture Hall. 

The Precept will be added as an agenda item.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55pm.







Signed:                                                                                                 Date:











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