Minutes of Wildmore Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 13th September 2021 at 7.30pm in New York Lecture Hall
Present: Chairman Cllr A Everard
Cllr J Lawes Cllr P Bargh
Cllr A Harrison
District Councillor: Cllr S Avison
Clerk: Mrs A Appleyard
1310. Welcome by Chairman
Cllr Everard welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending.
1311. To receive and approve apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from Cllr Foster who was unable to attend. Cllr Kirk and Cllr Jones had also sent their apologies, they were both on holiday.
1312. To receive declaration of interest under the Council’s Code of Conduct related to business on the agenda
Cllr Harrison declared an interest in item 12 of the agenda, Allotments.
1313. To receive and approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 12th July 2021 for signature
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 12th July 2021 had been circulated before the
meeting. It was proposed by Cllr Harrison and seconded by Cllr Lawes that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record. All in favour. Cllr Everard signed the minutes.
1314. To note any matters arising from the minutes not included on this agenda for report only
The clerk advised that she still hadn’t heard anything from Steve Brookes regarding the Rural Broadband. The clerk will contact Mr Brookes again.
Cllr Everard asked that the Police Newsletters be put up on the noticeboard.
A meeting of the church had been held and it has been agreed that Wildmore will become a Festival Church
The tyres at the Animal Sanctuary have been removed from the field. Questions were raised as to
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who, if anyone, is looking after the animals as the proprietor has been banned from housing animals for ten years. There are still vehicles down the bottom of the field, along with other items. The charity has been wound up by the Charity Commission Cllr Avison will ask Enforcement at ELDC to have a look at what is going on.
1315. Financial Update and Authorisation of Payments – To authorise outstanding payments
Allotment Account
Opening Balance £2177.29
Paid in since last meeting
Allotment Rents £ 142.50
Closing Balance £2319.79
General Account
Opening Balance £10592.31
Cheques presented for Payment
LALC Councillor Refresher £ 27.00
Andy Jackson Grass Cutting £ 210.00
Victoria Clark Internal Audit £ 50.00
HMRC PAYE £ 64.20
A Appleyard Salary £ 257.08
Closing Balance £9984.03
It was proposed by Cllr Harrison and seconded by Cllr Bargh that the above accounts be authorised. All in favour.
1316. To consider Internal Audit Report
The Internal Audit had been carried out. The auditor had sent through a report, noting that the Annual Governance and Accountability Return are missing from the website. The clerk had advised that these had been posted onto the website but as they can’t be seen it could be that they have not been made ‘live’. The clerk will check this out. Sections one and two of the AGAR were completed before the Internal Audit was carried out. In future the Internal Audit will be carried prior to the May meeting when the rest of the form is completed. The auditor had completed several random paper trails and found all paperwork in order and all paperwork checked was well documented, clear, and correct.
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The auditor had sent through an email offering her services to do a mid-year audit at a cost of £50 with an end of year audit for a further £30. A one-off end of year audit would be charged at £100. It is better practice to have a mid-year audit so that the council have time to correct or put in place anything needed for the end of year External Audit. Internal Audit will be put on the November agenda.
The auditor also mentioned that LALC, at a cost, are offering website maintenance.
It was proposed by Cllr Harrison and seconded by Cllr Lawes that the Internal Audit Report be accepted. All in favour.
1317. Correspondence
Correspondence had been circulated prior to the meeting. This included the LALC E -Newsletters, LALC News and regular updates from LALC and NALC. Other correspondence included the Police Newsletter, Jubilee Celebration Beacons and ELDC Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, Renewal of Public Space Protection Order – Application for Additional Areas for Inclusion. The clerk had also received the booking form for the LALC AGM. If anyone wishes to go can they please let the clerk know.
1318. Planning – To comment and receive updates on outstanding planning applications
S/207/01207/21 – Brookfield House, New York Road, Dogdyke, Lincoln, LN4 4UR – Extension and alterations to existing house to provide a garden room with an enlarged first floor bedroom over on the site of an existing conservatory which is to be removed – Full Planning Permission granted.
S/183/01356/21 – 2 Belgium Cottage, Leagate Road, Gipsey Bridge, Boston, PE22 7DA (Neighbouring Parish) – Extension to existing house to provide a ground floor sunroom, utility, w.c. and games room and 2no. first floor additional bedrooms and en suite on the site of an existing garage which is to be demolished – Full Planning Permission granted.
S/207/01418/21 – Lindum House, New York Road, Dogdyke, Lincoln, LN4 4UR – Erection of a detached 4 bay garage and extension of existing driveway – Full Planning Permission granted
S/035/01480/21 – The Warren, New York Road, Dogdyke, Lincoln, LN4 4UR – Extension and alterations to the existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation – Full Planning Permission granted.
S/207/01644/21 – Chapel Cottage, Leagate Road, Thornton Le Fen, Lincoln, LN4 4YN – Rear extension and alterations to existing dwelling and garage to provide additional living accommodation and a store – No comments were made as this is out of our Parish.
1319. Low Tointon Trust/Village Hall – To update and discuss any Trust or Village Hall issues including approval of the purchase and installation of a flagpole at the Village Hall site with funds from the Village Hall Committee
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Cllr Everard, Cllr Lawes, and Cllr Bargh all declared an interest in this item on the agenda, due to all being on the hall committee.
The new cooker has been installed in the kitchen. Cllr Everard had sought quotes for a flagpole which is to be situated outside the hall on the site of the telegraph pole which is to be removed. Whilst flag poles can be purchased for £200 these are not sturdy enough for putting up in a public place. The quotes Cllr Everard had received were £794 for a 6m Fibreglass pole from Flags and Flagpoles, this to include fitting and carriage. The other quote was from Harrison Flagpoles; a 6m pole with ground collar and installation was £774.95 and an 8m one was £789.95. Flags can be bought at a cost of approximately £70 each.
It was proposed by Cllr Everard and seconded by Cllr Harrison that the Parish Council purchase the flagpole with funds from the hall committee. All in favour.
Ideas for signs for the outside of the village hall were requested; anybody with ideas to submit them to the hall committee.
The recent bike night raised £381.30, £158 from the raffle and £223.30 from the sale of food. Everyone agreed that it had been a good night and a huge success.
The hall committee are proposing to refurbish the committee room with more serviceable tables, this is being looked at currently.
They are also looking at extra storage options which may include extending the committee room to provide extra space. This will need considerable thought and financial help will need to be sought. Once storage space has been made available, purchasing tv/projector equipment will be investigated.
The hall is receiving quite a few enquiries and bookings are coming through for regular events as well as occasional parties etc.
The question of whether the lighting to the tennis courts is still functional. If the area could be floodlit again the hard standing could be used for car parking.
New bank mandate forms to change the signatories on the Low Tointon Trust Account had been completed by the Trustees. It was suggested that for the Jubilee celebrations the Low Tointon bank account be used instead of setting up a new one for paying in and out of which would then put the account back in use after being idle for a while.
1320. Platinum Jubilee – Thursday 2nd June to Sunday 5th June 2022 – To approve the proposals to establish a working party consisting of Parish Councillors and other interested parties to prepare and implement events.
Various ideas were discussed which could take place at an event to celebrate the Jubilee. These included a bike night, the lighting of a beacon, road run cars and bikes, children’s races and games, food, entertainment and much more. It was proposed by Cllr Everard and seconded by Cllr Lawes that a committee/working party is needed to organise everything. All in favour.
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Ways of raising money for the events were discussed. It could be that money is charged to the precept or that a raffle is organised beforehand. A licence would need to be held for raffle tickets to be produced and sold before the event. Cllr Bargh agreed to see if the school had a licence and if so if it would cover the Jubilee celebrations. Local businesses could be approached for a contribution towards the events. Cllr Everard will organise a meeting to form a committee
1321. Allotments – To discuss the Allotments
Cllr Harrison had brought a copy of a document from 1899 from Horncastle Rural District Council recommending that the Parish Council be appointed as Allotment Managers. Wildmore PC was formed in 1884. The fen allotments were split between the Churches and the Parishes. Cllr Harrison will see if he has a map of the allotments within the Parish. The clerk will continue searching for any old records like the one Cllr Harrison had brought.
1322. To discuss any other parish matters that require any urgent or immediate consideration, such as, Police/Crime, Development, Education, Health, Highways, District and County Council, Training
Police – Cllr Lawes had been into a school where she had seen Slow Down in Lincolnshire stickers produced by the Police/Road Safety Partnership. The clerk will see if she can locate some of these and distribute them in the School and the Parish.
Development – ELDC are contemplating collecting glass from September 2022 from households. The tip has now opened fully with no need to book.
Education – There are currently 42 children in the school. The extra classroom is due to be delivered around half term.
Highways – Scarborough’s Lane is becoming worse with the carriageway dropping away in places. The clerk had previously reported this, but the Council were unwilling to do anything about it. Hurnbridge Road has been improved. Concerns had been raised by a Parishioner about the speed of traffic through Sandy Bank along Leagate Road.
ELDC – Cllr Avison reported that things had been quiet at ELDC although the Licencing Committee had been busy. Council Meetings are due to start again at Manby, rather than on Zoom, in October. It is hoped that the move to Horncastle from Manby will be ready to take place towards the end of 2022.
1323. To consider proposals to co-opt new Parish Councillors
There are currently three seats vacant on the Parish Council. A notice will go on the board notifying parishioners of the vacancies and asking if anyone is interested in joining the Council. Cllr Everard had produced a procedure for co-opting a Parish Councillor and an application form for prospective candidates.
1324. Future Meetings and Items for Consideration
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 8th November at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
Signed: Date:
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