

Minutes of the Wildmore Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 14th September 2020 at 7.30pm on Zoom

Present:               Chairman                             Cllr A Everard

                                                                                Cllr P Bargh                         Cllr R Kirk

                                                                                Cllr A Harrison                   Cllr J Lawes


                                District Councillors:         Cllr S Avison      


                                Clerk:                                    Mrs A Appleyard


1220.                     Welcome by Chairman


Cllr Everard welcomed everyone to the meeting.


1221.                     To receive and approve apologies for absence


Apologies were received from Cllr Jones who was on holiday and District Councillor M Foster.  It was agreed by all present to accept the apologies.


1222.                     To receive declaration of interest under the Council’s Code of Conduct related to business on the agenda


Cllr Bargh declared an interest in Item 7 of the Agenda, Planning, Ref S/207/01457/20 New York Primary School.


1223.                     To receive and approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 13th July 2020 for signature


The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 13th July 2020 had been circulated before the

meeting.  It was proposed by Cllr Harrison and seconded by Cllr Kirk that the minutes be accepted

as a true and accurate record.  All in favour.  Cllr Everard signed the minutes. He will drop the signed copy of the minutes off at the clerk’s home for filing.


1224.                     To note any matters arising from the minutes not included on this agenda for report only


Cllr Harrison advised that he hadn’t done anything about removing the bus shelter down Mill Lane.  This will be done when he is less busy and when school is out.


1225.                     Correspondence


All correspondence had been circulated prior to the meeting.  This included the LALC Newsletter - 


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Cllr Everard asked the clerk if the accounts had been submitted to the auditors which she confirmed

had been done.  He also asked if the Clerk had attended the training course for the new website.  She confirmed that she had attended the training via Zoom and that the new website will be up and running by December.  Regular E-News from LALC have also been circulated. LCC are conducting a new survey for residents in Lincolnshire.  Various notices have also been put up on the noticeboard in the village.


1226.                     Planning – To comment and receive updates on outstanding planning applications


S/207/00702/20 – Land Adjacent to Tiburon, Sandy Bank Road, New York, Lincoln, LN4 4YE – Erection of a detached house and relocation of the existing vehicular access.  Full Planning Permission granted.


S/035/01040/20 – Hurn Bridge Farm, Hurnbridge Road, (Coningsby & Dogdyke Parish), New York – Erection of an agricultural building for the storage of straw.  Full Planning Permission granted.


S/035/01039/20 – Hurn Bridge Farm, Hurnbridge Road, (Coningsby & Dogdyke Parish), New York – Erection of a livestock building for the rearing and finishing of pigs with a covered manure store to include 1no. associated feed silo and a hardstanding area.  Planning decision awaited.


EC/207/00325/18 – Land off Langrick Road, New York – Change of use of land for the siting of 2 no. static caravans and storage of tyres.  A decision is awaited from The Planning Inspectorate.


Cllr Bargh left the meeting during consideration of this item.


S/207/01457/20 – New York Primary School, Langrick Road, New York, Lincoln, LN4 4XH – Erection of a detached classroom with w.c., store and breakout room on the site of an existing outbuilding which is to be removed.  Cllr Harrison raised the point that the plans state that sewerage will go into the mains but there is no mains sewerage on site.  Also, there is no mention of how surface water will be dealt with.  The extra classroom will be of enormous benefit to the school and will give extra vital space.  There are currently 36 children in the school.  It was agreed by Councillors that in principle they were in favour of the plans but that the drainage issue needs to be addressed.


Cllr Bargh returned to the meeting after consideration of this item was completed.


Cllr Avison joined the meeting.


1227.                     Low Tointon Trust/Village Hall – To update and discuss any Village Hall issues


Cllr Bargh has now been appointed a Trustee of the Low Tointon Trust as from 14th July. 


A remote meeting of the Low Tointon Trust will be organised.


Cllr Everard and Cllr Harrison had met with a gentleman from Community Payback to see if they would be willing to take on some work at the Village Hall and clearing the path from the Village Hall to the School.  Some tools may be needed to carry out the work and access would be required for


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the Village Hall toilets and committee room.  It was not known when the work would start because Community Payback was suspended due to the Coronavirus pandemic.  Wildmore Parish Council Chair and Clerk will be the contact point for the project.  The clerk was asked to look into whether any insurance implications arose.


A bike night was held recently at the hall and this proved to be very successful, the best one to date.  Seventy-One people attended and in excess of £300 was raised.  People were outside for most of the


time with people coming into the hall, one at a time, for food, toilets, raffle etc.


Quotes have been requested for car park barrier and fencing at the hall.  The hall committee have accepted the offer from Mr Pell to make the barriers and the quote from Mr Rush for the fencing.  The hall had a budget of £3000 and the cost of this work will come under this.   As a result the Parish Council would not need to commission the work and pay for the work to reclaim the VAT.


1228.                     Churchyard – To consider work required and approve any work to be undertaken.    


A second quote had been received for work to the trees in the churchyard.  Both quotes were very similar but the one received from WCG Gardening and Tree Care allows for half of the work to be done in this financial year and the other half in the next year.  It was proposed by Cllr Harrison and seconded by Cllr Kirk that the quote from WCG Gardening be accepted.  All in favour.  The clerk will contact them to see when they can commence the work.

Cllr Everard advised that he had submitted the pre-application to the War Memorials Trust.  This application will now undergo a preliminary assessment.  Even if a project is eligible for funding it doesn’t always mean that a grant will be allocated.  Quotes/Information had been received from a Company called IMI (Independent Memorial Inspection) but unfortunately this was not enough for what was required by the War Memorials Trust.  Cllr Everard will have a look at what is required so that quotes can be obtained.

The Churchwarden has been in touch with the Chairman regarding the Churchyard and the solicitor for the Church cannot find any record that the Churchyard is ‘closed’.  If this is the case it may be that the Parish Council aren’t responsible for any of its upkeep.  As the Church have regular changes of vicars, solicitors and registrars there is no continuity or organisational memory to determine what has previously happened.  It is thought that the Churchyard was extended sometime between 1890 and 1905.  The Parish Council will wait for developments from the Registrar to see if any information can be found.  The Chairman noted that the Parish Council would still have power to make discretionary grants so it could continue to pay for work agreed on the churchyard/cemetery.

1229.                     Financial Update and Authorisation of Payments – To authorise outstanding payments and agree method of obtaining cheque signatures

The clerk had circulated the following accounts for the period 14th July to 14th September prior to the meeting.

Opening Balance - £5805.10

Cheques presented for payment

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Andy Jackson – Grass Cutting – Chq 514 - £250.00

Woodco Office Equipment – Ink – Chq 515 - £90.64

HMRC – PAYE Aug/Sept – Chq 516 - £62.40

A Appleyard – Salary Aug/Sept – Chq 517 - £250.24

Closing Balance - £5151.82

Allotment Account

Opening Balance - £2393.17

Closing Balance - £2393.17

It was proposed by Cllr Bargh and seconded by Cllr Harrison that the above accounts be authorised.  All in favour.  It was agreed that the clerk would take the cheques for signing to Cllr Harrison who would then pass them onto Cllr Kirk for second signature. Cllr Kirk will then return them to the Clerk.

The clerk had completed the VAT form to reclaim the VAT for the past year, to include the payment for the hall car park. She is waiting for the payment to be made back to the Parish Council.

1230.                     To discuss any other parish matters that require any urgent or immediate consideration, such as, Police/Crime, Development, Education, Health, Highways, District and County Council, Training

Cllr Harrison raised the question of Broadband in the area.  The infrastructure for fibre has been put in place down Haven Bank, also Hundle House Lane but nothing has happened to make this work in properties down these roads.  Cllr Avison will speak with Cllr Ashton to see if he has any answers to the problem.  Some people are saying that the speeds available now are not as good as when first put in.  This is a big rural problem with Ofcom being involved in trying to sort it out.  Matt Warman one of our local MP’s is involved in the discussions.  Our local MP’s need to be aware of the issues faced by those living in rural areas.

Concerns were expressed about the condition of Scarborough’s Lane.  There is a point where the road has sunk 12/18” but this is not initially visible.  The least that is required is a bumpy road sign to make motorists aware of the danger.  This road has deteriorated badly in the last few months.  The clerk will contact Highways regarding this.

Cllr Bargh advised that the school initially reopened after the summer holidays for Reception and year 3 with the school fully opening on Monday 7th September.  Everyone is back, apart from one family who have decided to home school.  He expressed his thanks to his staff who have been amazing through these difficult times.

Cllr Lawes advised that the Village Hall are hoping to hold their last bike night of the summer on Thursday 1st October.  They have a Risk Management Plan in place with a one-way system, track and trace, PPE worn by all helpers and masks to be worn inside by everyone. 


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1231.                     Future Meetings and Items for Consideration

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 9th November and depending on the coronavirus situation and social distancing regulations may well be held as another Zoom meeting.






Signed:                                                                                                 Date:






















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