
Minutes of the meeting of Wildmore Parish Council held on Monday 11th March 2024 in New York Lecture Hall.
Present: Chairman Cllr A Everard 
Cllr M A Jones Cllr J Lawes
Cllr A Harrison Cllr P Bargh
County Councillor Cllr T Ashton
District Councillor
Clerk Mrs S Phillips 
Members of public 4 members present
Public  Forum
A member of the public raised an issue from a newspaper article calling Dogdyke Road a rat run.  Cllr Ashton explained that Dogdyke Road is a busy road, a consultation is ongoing, and residents are able to object if they wish.  It was noted that the Parish Council had not been notified of a consultation with regards to the change of speed limit and would be queried with Highways.  Cllr Ashton is also working to have the speed limit reduced between New York and the primary school.
A member of the public asked about the scrutiny committing relating to flooding.  Cllr Ashton confirmed there was a Flood and Water Management Scrutiny Committee, the scrutiny committee does have representatives from the environment agency and is open to the public gallery.  
A member of the public raised Tenby Lodge and the issues with the grassed area outside of the property.  It was noted that a lot of upset had been caused and there are ongoing issues with lorries parking outside of the property sometimes for up to an hour to unload when they should be parking and unloading down the side of the property.  The lorries are obstructing the view and dangerous for both walkers and other vehicles.  
Cllr Ashton thanked the resident for the evidence provided and confirmed it had been raised as a complaint to the Traffic Commissioner and requested that any further evidence to be provided by Cllr Lawes.
Cllrs RESOLVED to discuss the option of double white lines under item 1579. 
1571 Chairman’s remarks
The meeting was declared open by the Chairman at 8.11pm.
1572 Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given
1573 To receive declarations of interest under the Councils Code of Conduct related to Business on the agenda and to consider any dispensations 
1574 Notes of the last meeting held on 12th February 2024 to be approved as the minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on 12th February 2024 were circulated before the meeting.  It was RESOLVED that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record.  Cllr Everard signed the minutes. 
Cllr Bargh confirmed he did provide apologies in January for the February meeting. 
1575 Clerks report on matters outstanding
The clerk reported that £500 contribution had been received from Cllr Hall towards the church bench.
A full audit has been booked with Victoria Clark at a cost of £140.00.
1576 Financial matters and authorisation of payments:
The following payments were RESOLVED to be paid:
Salary - £328.38
Clerk expenses - £42.75
WoodCo Office Equipment - £170 exc VAT
Clips to install speed signs - £14.18
Parish contribution towards leaving gift for clerk - £50.00.
Laptop purchase, approval up to £550 exc VAT.
Online banking  
The chequebook is no longer kept within the village, and it was proposed that the Parish Council should move to online banking, RESOLVED.  Councillors were asked to go to Lloyds online business banking app and complete the information required.
1578 Planning – To comment on and receive updates on outstanding planning applications
S/207/00079/24 – New York Village Hall, Langrick Road, New York, Lincoln, LN4 4YD.
No further update.
EC/207/00495/21 – Chapelry Farm, Langrick Road, New York, LN4 4XH.
Cllr Ashton is happy to assist Cllr Foster and Cllr Knowles and has asked the Enforcement Officers to speak to county again to ensure all are on the same page.  An update is expected next month and there are no further details of the court case.
1579 To receive an update on Tenby Lodge issues and agree any further steps
There has been a lot of input already and the following agreed:
Cllr Lawes will compile a letter of all that was discussed and provide to Cllr Ashton.
Proposed by Cllr Everard and seconded by Cllr Jones, RESOLVED by all Councillors that an email be sent to Highways requesting double white lines be installed throughout the village to prevent overtaking (B1192).  
It was agreed that the Parish Council is not happy that lorries are parking outside the property for long periods of time when there is ample parking in Tenby Lodge unit and parishioners should not be walking on the road.  Better enforcement of the parking is needed.
1580 To debate and agree next steps regarding a bench for the church yard
£500 contribution has been received for the bench and various types of benches have been searched.  All were in agreement that the chosen bench is to be acceptable to the church.
An offer has been received to install the bench and a cost will be involved which is to be covered by the church through possible fundraising.
Details of suggested benches to be circulated and discussed with the churchwarden.
1581 To consider the proposed 40MPH speed limit in Dogdyke Road
No consultation has been received and seen by the Parish Council for them to be able to make a decision.  However, all were in favour of a reduced speed limit.
1582 To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies
New York Village Hall – Money is being raised through Bike Nights and looking at putting on more events in the evenings and plans are in place for an aircraft auction.  The hall is being booked and the calendar is full.    Awaiting approval of the dropped kerb and quotes are being obtained for the community room ceiling.
New York Primary School – Children’s first aid courses are being run.
1582 Future Meetings and Items for Consideration
Highways Matters to be a standard agenda item.
Dates for future meetings to be looked at.
The meeting was declared closed at 8.52pm.