

Minutes of Wildmore Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 14th January 2022 at 7.30pm in New York Primary School

Present:               Chairman                             Cllr A Everard

                                                                                Cllr J Lawes                         Cllr P Bargh

                                                                                Cllr A Harrison                   Cllr R Kirk

                                                                                Cllr M Jones                       Cllr M Jones


                                District Councillor:           Cllr S Avison


                                County Councillor:           Cllr T Ashton


Clerk:                                    Mrs A Appleyard


1360.                     Welcome by Chairman


Cllr Everard welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending.  He thanked Cllr Bargh for showing everyone around the school and for hosting the meeting.


1361.                     To receive and approve apologies for absence


Apologies had been received from Cllr Foster who was unable to attend due to other meeting commitments. 


1362.     To receive declaration of interest under the Council’s Code of Conduct related to business on the agenda


Cllr Harrison declared an Interest in item 7 of the agenda, Correspondence as a letter had been received concerning the allotments, which required discussion and a decision.


1363.                     To receive and approve the minutes of the last meeting held on Monday 10th January 2022 for signature


The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 10th January 2002 had been circulated before the

meeting.  It was proposed by Cllr Harrison and seconded by Cllr Bargh that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record.  All in favour.  Cllr Everard signed the minutes.


1364.                     To note any matters arising from the minutes not included on this agenda for report only


Cllr Harrison asked if anything had been done to set up for Digital VAT.  The clerk will speak to LALC for guidance on this matter.  The VAT is only reclaimed once a year and so this year won’t be a problem as the clerk will claim in the normal manner.


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1365.                     Financial Update and Authorisation of Payments – To authorise outstanding payments


General Account


Opening Balance                                                                                                                              £7160.20


Paid in since last meeting


Thornton Le Fen Parish Council                  Donation Churchyard Costs                         £  330.00


Cheque paid since last meeting


WCG Gardening                                                Tree Work Churchyard                                   £1200.00


Cheques presented for Payment


H M Revenue & Customs                              PAYE                                                                      £    64.20

A Appleyard                                                       Salary                                                                    £ 257.08


Closing Balance                                                                                                                                £5968.92


Allotment Account


Opening Balance                                                                                                                              £2636.99


Closing Balance                                                                                                                                £2636.99


It was proposed by Cllr Harrison and seconded by Cllr Jones that the above accounts be authorised.  All in favour.


1366.                     Correspondence


Correspondence had been circulated prior to the meeting.  This included the LALC E -Newsletters,

LALC News and regular updates from LALC and NALC. 


Other correspondence included a letter from Savills who act for the Church Commissioners.


Cllr Harrison left the room.


The letter was proposing an increase in rent for the allotments of £70 per annum to £1,330 with effect from 6th April 2022.  This is equivalent to £95 per acre.  We currently charge our tenants £95 per acre per annum.  It was agreed to challenge the increase on the grounds of agriculture in general being affected by rising prices in fuel, fertilisers, etc and any increase put forward to the tenants would have a detrimental effect to them.  We would have to give our tenants twelve months’ notice of any increase so would have to bear the brunt of the increase for the year if it was implemented. 


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The Clerk will write to Savills and put forward the Council’s views on the matter.


Cllr Harrison re-joined the meeting.


1367.                     Planning – To comment and receive updates on outstanding planning applications


S/207/02248/21 – Sandy Acre, Sandy Bank Road, New York, Lincoln, LN4 4YE – Erection of 1 no. pair of semi-detached houses on the existing site of an existing bungalow which is to be demolished – Support.  Full Planning Permission granted.


EC/207/00495/21 – Chapelry Farm, Langrick Road, New York, LN4 4XH – Siting and storage of a vehicle on land – This matter is now to be fully investigated by the Enforcement Team from ELDC to establish if a breach of planning legislation has taken place.


S/207/02473/21 – New York Village Hall, Langrick Road, New York, Lincoln, LN4 4YD – Consent to display – 1 no. internally illuminated fascia sign – ELDC have refused the plans for an illuminated sign at the hall saying that it doesn’t fit in with the countryside and local area.  Cllr Everard had been in touch with planning and had been advised that they were waiting for new designs for the sign before proceeding.  Cllr Everard explained to them that the designs were the the same, the only difference being that the sign would not be internally illuminated.


Cllr Ashton joined the meeting


Discussions took place as to how the sign would be lit with suggestions being down lighters as close to the wall as possible or a strip light above the sign, again close to the wall.    The only concern regarding external illumination would be that the lights could be easily vandalised or damaged by vehicles. 


Cllr Ashton will ask planning for an explanation as to why the illuminated sign has been refused and under what policy grounds.


The approximate cost for the sign is £1000 if illuminated and £500 if non-illuminated.


Councillors agreed to support the application.  The clerk will respond to ELDC advising that whilst an illuminated sign would be preferred, for safety reasons, if planning decide otherwise a plain unlit sign to the same dimensions will be acceptable.


Cllr Harrison advised that Round House Farm, who previously sought prior approval for planning, have now got it.  The Parish Council were unaware as they aren’t contacted if someone applies for prior approval.


1368.                     To receive the draft minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 7th February 2022 regarding Community Broadband scheme and to agree next steps


It was proposed by Cllr Lawes and seconded by Cllr Jones that the draft minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record.  All in favour. 


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A firm list of properties to be included needs to be sorted.  It was agreed that a flyer should be sent out to what initial interest there is.  The clerk will contact Langrick’s clerk for a copy of what they used.  Following this the next approach is to knock on doors to see how many properties are really interested.  There needs to be more people interested in the scheme than is needed to cover the costs in case of people dropping out.  Secure numbers need to be confirmed before any go ahead takes place as the Parish Council cannot afford to be accountable for any shortfall in costs.  As copper landlines are due to be phased out in 2025, will any new schemes be introduced for households which may improve their internet/phone line?  Cllr Jones suggested that a map of the properties is made to see how close they are from the exchange, and he agreed to sort this.


1369.                     To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Jubilee Working Party of 9th February 2022 and agree for the production and printing of a newsletter for distribution around the Parish with a budget of £80.00


It was proposed by Cllr Jones and seconded by Cllr Lawes that the minutes be accepted and that a newsletter is produced for all residents advising them of the activities planned for the Jubilee.  The budget of £80 for this was agreed.  All in favour.


1370.                     To consider and approve a grant towards commemorative Jubilee mugs for the pupils of New York Primary School

There are currently 45 children in the school.  The price of mugs is somewhere between £4 and £7 each depending on the style and printing.  The cost would be anywhere in the region of £180 to £300.  The school are happy to pay towards the costs.  It was proposed by Cllr Jones and seconded by Cllr Lawes that Parish Council pay £200 towards the cost.  All in favour.  The mugs will be purchased and hopefully presented to the children before half term.  The mug will display this it is a gift from the school and the Parish Council.  Cllr Bargh will speak with the clerk to sort out the Parish Council’s payment.

1371.                     To receive details of the progress made to purchase and install the flagpole and the village hall name sign

The flagpole has been ordered and a delivery date and installation date are awaited.  An installation survey has been completed and returned to the company.  The pole should hopefully be erected by the beginning of May.  Mrs Harrison has sourced and ordered flags ready for the flagpole.  The purchase of the village hall sign will be £1000 if illuminated and £500 if non-illuminated.  It was proposed by Cllr Lawes and seconded by Cllr Jones that, once planning approval has been gained, the village hall sign is purchased.  All in favour, this was approved.

1372.                     To consider items to be included in the Parish Council’s asset register. 

Filing Cabinet £70, Noticeboard £1100, Computer £320, Printer £210, and Printer £80.  Items which need adding are the Defibrillator £1400, Flagpole £948, Village Signs x 2 £1 each, War Memorial £1.  The village hall also needs to be added to the list.  The clerk will check with Mrs Harrison to see what the insurance value of the hall is and then add this to the register.  It was proposed by Cllr Lawes and seconded by Cllr Harrison, that with the additions and amendments, the asset register be accepted.  All in favour.


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1373.                     To discuss any other parish matters that require any urgent or immediate consideration, such as, Police/Crime, Development, Education, Health, Highways, District and County Council, Training

Highways – Both Castledyke Bank and the road to Haven Bank need repair.  The clerk will report these again.  Cllr Ashton advised that he had already reported these, but it is worth to keep reporting them.  The road from the 30mph to the village hall is also in need of repair.  The clerk will report this on Fix My Street.  Cllr Ashton advised that the LCC budget has been increased over the next three years to protect highways spending.  Surface dressing is to take place down Hurnbridge Road, this is to protect the work already carried out.  The road from Sandy Bank to Tumby Woodside junction is in a bad state of repair again.  Despite repairs being caried out every year on this stretch of road, there are always potholes appearing.

Jubilee Meeting – The next Jubilee Committee meeting is to be held on 30th March at 7pm in the village hall.

Bike Night – The next bike night is to be held on 7th April at the village hall.

Annual Parish Meeting – The Annual Parish Meeting is to be held on Monday 9th May at 7.00pm in the village hall.  The clerk will contact the School, Church and Police for reports for this meeting and ask them to attend if possible.

1374.                     Future Meetings and Items for Consideration.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 9th May 2022 at 7.00pm in New York Lecture Hall.  This will be the Annual Parish Meeting and will be followed by the Parish Council Meeting.

1375.                     To resolve to exclude Media and the Pubic to consider the salary of the Clerk.

The NJC pay rates have been formally increased by 1.75% from April 2021. It was proposed by Cllr Jones and seconded by Cllr Lawes that the clerk’s salary be increased by this amount.  The pay increase will be backdated to April 2021.

The clerk’s appraisal will take place on Monday 21st March at 6.45pm at New York School.  The Personnel Committee will meet at 6pm to discuss.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.32pm.


Signed:                                                                                                 Date:


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