

Minutes of Wildmore Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 10th January 2022 at 7.30pm in New York Lecture Hall

Present:               Chairman                             Cllr A Everard

                                                                                Cllr J Lawes                         Cllr P Bargh

                                                                                Cllr A Harrison                   Cllr R Kirk

                                                                                Cllr M Jones      


                                Clerk:                                    Mrs A Appleyard


                                Member of the Public     One


1341.                     Welcome by Chairman


Cllr Everard welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending.


1342.                     To receive and approve apologies for absence


Apologies had been received from Cllr Jones who was self-isolating and Cllr Foster and Cllr Ashton who were unable to attend due to other meeting commitments. 


1343.     To receive declaration of interest under the Council’s Code of Conduct related to business on the agenda


Cllr Everard, Cllr Harrison, Cllr Kirk, and Cllr Lawes all declared an Interest in items 7 and 13 of the agenda, Village Hall, and Platinum Jubilee as these are all on the Jubilee Planning Working Committee and on the Hall Committee or have connections with it.


1344.                     Dispensations to be Considered


It was proposed that Dispensations be granted to Cllr Everard, Cllr Lawes, Cllr Harrison, and Cllr Kirk to allow them to discuss the village hall and the Jubilee Planning.  All in favour of this.


1345.                     To receive and approve the minutes of the last meeting held on Monday 8th November 2021 for signature


The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 8th November 2021 had been circulated before the

meeting.  It was proposed by Cllr Bargh and seconded by Cllr Harrison that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record.  All in favour.  Cllr Everard signed the minutes.


1346.                     To note any matters arising from the minutes not included on this agenda for report only


Rural Broadband – this item will be discussed later in the meeting.


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Cllr Everard asked if the External Audit was now complete.  The clerk confirmed that it was.


Cllr Everard had been on the Parish website and had managed to make the accounts visible so everyone, can now see them.


Standing Orders Closed


Mrs K Roberts, clerk for Coningsby and Langriville.  She had come along to tell the Councillors about her experience of getting fibre broadband installed in Langrick.  They began the process in March 2018 and finally got people on fibre broadband in August 2021.  There are still people waiting to get up and running.  She has spent many hours on this project, initially working anywhere from 3 to 5 hours per week in the first year.  Mrs Roberts explained that she had to go round everyone on the list to see if they would be willing to sign up to the fibre before she could proceed.  It took around 10 months before she could get enough interest.  Once people have applied for the vouchers these cannot be transferred to anyone else.  This caused further delays with people moving house, people dying etc as new vouchers had to be applied for.  There were also issues with a change of contact at Openreach on numerous occasions and every new person involved changed the cost of the project.   Langrick currently have a shortfall of £20/£21K in the amount they need to pay for the project.  This is because of the changing costs and with people who initially signed up but are no longer interested or have still not been connected to the fibre.


Cllr Everard thanked Mrs Roberts for coming along to explain to Councillors what is involved in the project if the Parish Council decide to go ahead.  Mrs Roberts left the meeting.


Standing Orders Resumed


1347.                     To consider applications for Financial Support from New York Village Hall and Citizens Advice


It was proposed by Cllr Bargh and seconded by Cllr Jones that the Parish Council support the village hall to the sum of £500 for this coming year.  All in agreement.


It was proposed by Cllr Everard and seconded by Cllr Jones that the Parish Council support Citizens Advice to the sum of £100.  All in agreement.  This will not be paid to them until the new financial year.


1348.                     Financial Update and Authorisation of Payments – To authorise outstanding payments


Allotment Account


Opening Balance                                                                                                                              £1519.79


Paid in since last meeting



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Allotment Rents                                                Tenants                                                                £1117.20


Closing Balance                                                                                                                                £2636.99


General Account


Opening Balance                                                                                                                              £8073.81


Cheques presented for Payment


Andy Jackson                                                     Grass Cutting                                                     £ 240.00

Chad Lawes (A J Team)                                  Village Hall Doors                                             £1873.97

H M Revenue & Customs                              PAYE                                                                      £    64.20

A Appleyard                                                       Salary                                                                    £ 257.08


Cheques paid since last meeting


Planning Portal                                                  Village Hall Sign                                                 £    94.00

A Everard                                                            Village Hall Map                                                £    21.00


Paid in since last meeting


Village Hall Committee                                  Village Hall Doors                                             £1636.64


Closing Balance                                                                                                                                £7160.20


It was proposed by Cllr Harrison and seconded by Cllr Kirk that the above accounts be authorised.  All in favour.


1349.                     To consider the budget for 2022-23 and agree the Precept figure for this period 


The clerk had prepared budget figures for the Councillors to help set the precept for the coming year.  The figures for the precept decision were as follows: Hall Insurance £420, Parish Insurance £190, LALC Subscription £159, Churchyard Grass Cutting £1420, Churchyard Tree Work £2000 (Already in Reserves), Clerk’s Salary £2300, Hall Hire £100, Audit Fee £100, Donation Hall £500, Donation Citizens Advice £100, Poppy Wreath £25, Training/Lunches £30, Printer Ink £50, Petty Cash £50.  This gives a total of £7444 (including the £2000 reserve).  It was proposed by Cllr Harrison and seconded by Cllr Lawes that the precept be set at £6700.  All in favour.  The clerk will fill in and send the necessary paperwork to ELDC.


Cllr Harrison asked the clerk if the Parish Council were ready for submitting the VAT digitally.  This comes in force in April.  The clerk advised that this year she will be able to submit as normal but will seek advice for next year.




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1350.                     Correspondence


Correspondence had been circulated prior to the meeting.  This included the LALC E -Newsletters,

LALC News and regular updates from LALC and NALC.  Other correspondence included Anglian Water – Priority Services Register.


1351.                     Planning – To comment and receive updates on outstanding planning applications


S/207/02123/21 – Land at Froghall Cottage, Langrick Road, New York, Lincoln, LN4 4XH – Change of use of land to provide a dog training facility – Full Planning Permission granted.


S/207/02248/21 – Sandy Acre, Sandy Bank Road, New York, Lincoln, LN4 4YE – Erection of 1 no. pair of semi-detached houses on the existing site of an existing bungalow which is to be demolished – Support.  Decision still awaited.


EC/207/00495/21 – Chapelry Farm, Langrick Road, New York, LN4 4XH – Siting and storage of a vehicle on land – This matter is now to be fully investigated by the Enforcement Team from ELDC to establish if a breach of planning legislation has taken place.


S/207/02473/21 – New York Village Hall, Langrick Road, New York, Lincoln, LN4 4YD – Consent to display – 1 no. internally illuminated fascia sign.


1352.                     Low Tointon Trust/Village Hall – To update and discuss any Trust or Village Hall issues


Signatories have been updated on the Low Tointon Trust Bank Account.


The monthly bike night had been held last week.  A profit of £70 was made.  There was a good turn out from the local community and these bike nights are bring locals together.  Unfortunately, someone reversed into the car park gate and bent it.  It was suggested that reflectors or reflective tape be put on it so that it can be clearly seen in the dark.  There is to be a hall meeting soon to discuss future events.


An open meeting had been held on 2nd November of the Wildmore Platinum Jubilee Working Party.

Various activities were discussed for the event which will take place on Thursday 2nd June, these to include, a road run of classic and modern vehicles and bikes, something for the children in the afternoon, possibly a sports day followed by a picnic, an open-air short thanksgiving service and the lighting of a beacon in the evening.  Cllr Harrison had built a beacon which will save the committee in the region of £400.  The road-run would remain local taking in Scrub Hill, Mill Lane, Hundlehouse Lane and Sandy Bank.  It was proposed to invite 3-4 mobile food sellers so that the usual volunteers didn’t have to spend the night in the kitchen.  It was proposed that the Low Tointon Trust obtain a lottery licence for a raffle with cash prizes. Proceeds of this would be used to fund the event.  Any proceeds after costs would be shared between the parish charities.  The Parish Council will check if their insurance covers the event.  A risk assessment will be needed.


Cllr Bargh advised that the children will be on half term holiday from school but that he would try to


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get as many of them to come along as possible.  Suggestions of a Street Party/Sports Day were discussed.   Nothing was decided and this will be discussed at the next meeting.


The clerk had checked the Parish Council insurance and provided there are under 500 people at the event and the appropriate risk assessments are carried out the current insurance will cover the event.


1353.                     To discuss the War Memorial


The War Memorial was erected in 1921 and its upkeep is the responsibility of the Parish Council.  It is a listed monument.  There is some signs of wear and tear around the edges of the memorial and on the lettering.  The cost of cleaning and other remedial work has been quoted in the region of £1500.  Grants are available or the Parish Council could pay for this outright.  A suggestion to keep the wear and tear at bay a little was to put a gravel garden around the memorial.  This would cost in the region of £2k to £2.5k.  It was felt that it would be best to see if a grant was available to carry out the work.


1354.                     To discuss any other parish matters that require any urgent or immediate consideration, such as, Police/Crime, Development, Education, Health, Highways, District and County Council, Training

Footpaths – A Parishioner had complained about the state of the footpaths within the village particularly outside Chestnut Villa where roots are coming through the path and outside the terrace houses next to the village hall.  The clerk will report these to LCC Highways and stress to them that these are trip hazards.

The light at the school corner is not working, this will be reported.

The condition of Scarborough’s Lane is deteriorating.  Highways have said that they are not going to be repairing it soon.  The clerk will see if they would be happy to put up a warning sign, Bumpy Road.

Education – Cllr Bargh reported that there are now 43 children in the school.   The new classroom is now in use.  Cllr Bargh invited Councillors to go and have a look and it was decided that the next Parish Council meeting will be held at the school.

Hall Committee Meeting – This will be held on 15th January.

Jubilee Meeting – Date to be confirmed.

1355.                     Future Meetings

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 14th March 2022 at 7.00pm in New York Primary School with a tour of the school at 7pm and the Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm.


Signed:                                                                                                 Date:


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